SAINT AGNESVirgin and Martyr(†304)
Saint Agnes was twelve years old when she was led to the altar of Minerva at Rome and commanded to obey the persecuting laws of Diocletian by offering incense. In the midst of the idolatrous rites she raised her hands to Christ, her Spouse, and made the sign of the life-giving cross. She did not shrink when she was bound hand and foot, though the manacles slipped from her young hands, and the heathens who stood around were moved to tears. Bonds were not needed for her; she hastened gladly to the place of her torture.
Sheet Pan Fajitas
*Here is a recipe we've found over the last few years that's become a
family favorite. We did keto for about 6 months to see if it would help
with my da...
5 years ago
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